- Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies: Generation Z leaving home later, difficulty in accessing housing
- Correio da Manhã: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficulties in accessing housing
- Diário de Coimbra: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficulties in accessing housing
- Idealista: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficult access to housing
- Jornal de Notícias: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficulties in accessing housing
- Observador: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficulties in accessing housing
- Portugal.fr: Generation Z no longer leaves the family home
- Portugalija: Generation Z is increasingly unable to leave their parents' house: why?
- PressNet: Generation Z Leaves Parents' Home Later and Later Due to Housing Difficulties
- Público: It's not for cultural reasons: young people leave their parents' house late because of housing
- RUM - Rádio Universitária do Minho: Generation Z leaves their parents' house later and later
- SAPO: Why doesn't Generation Z leave home? It's not cultural reasons, it's really a housing problem
- SIC Notícias: Generation Z leaves their parents' house late due to difficulties in accessing housing
- The Portugal News: Generation Z can't leave home